<p>The project targets children and youth, age group 10-18, in Lilongwe, Mulanje and Phalombe districts in Malawi with interventions across the five outcome areas to reduce child, early, and forced marriage (CEFM). the first outcome: 1.Keeping girls in schools, tracked by: drop-out rates in target schools, 2.Knowledge of SRHR, track: testing knowledge before and after, 3. Address poverty issues through Youth Economic Empowerment and Income Generating track: # youth who earn acceptable level of incomes from being part of the project, 4. Norm change, track: Attitude and behavior changes of community decision-makers, boys, and parents, 5. CSO strengthening, and government’s rolestrack: policy change, sustainability level of CBCPC, Advocacy done by CSO and youths, CSO capacity. <br></p>