
CAVWOC: Centre for Alternatives for Victimized Women and Children

+265 999 589 463

Girls Get Equal

The program is designed to contribute to the Government's efforts to end child and early/ forced marriages in Malawi. The program primarily funded by NORAD through Plan International, targets 87,041 children and youth, 90 communities and 184 primary schools. It works on 5 aggregate issues namely Keeping girls in school (Education) Prevent drop-outs caused by teen pregnancy (SRHR) Reduce child marriage caused by poverty (YEE) Change norms on child marriage and gender inequality (Norm) Strengthen civil society and government to implement child protection. (Advocacy and coordination) in a consortium of partners NFYD, CRECCOM, CARD and TIMVENI. Project : 1 Jan 2019 - 1 Jan 2024

Funded by: NORAD through Plan International

<p>The project targets&nbsp;children and youth, age group 10-18, in Lilongwe, Mulanje and Phalombe districts in Malawi with interventions across the five outcome areas to reduce child, early, and forced marriage (CEFM). the first outcome:&nbsp;1.Keeping girls in schools, tracked by: drop-out rates in target schools,&nbsp;2.Knowledge of SRHR, track: testing knowledge before and after,&nbsp;3. Address poverty issues through Youth Economic Empowerment and Income Generating track: # youth who earn acceptable level of incomes from being part of the project,&nbsp;4. Norm change, track: Attitude and behavior changes of community decision-makers, boys, and parents,&nbsp;5. CSO strengthening, and government’s roles track: policy change, sustainability level of CBCPC, Advocacy done by CSO and youths, CSO capacity.&nbsp;<br></p>


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