
CAVWOC: Centre for Alternatives for Victimized Women and Children

+265 999 589 463

Sexual and Rproductive Health Services

Mentors that facilitate adolescent girls to be champions of positive change in Mulanje, 2021

Sexual and Rproductive Health Services

Mentors that facilitate adolescent girls to be champions of positive change in Mulanje, 2021

Youth Theatre for Development group

Balaka Youth, Her Future Her Choice project

Youth Theatre for Development group

Balaka Youth, Her Future Her Choice project

16 Days of Activism event; Traditional Authority Group Village Head Kanyenda Awarded for their unwavering commitment to humanitarian efforts against GBV and Child abuse

Chiradzulu district 2023

16 Days of Activism event; Traditional Authority Group Village Head Kanyenda Awarded for their unwavering commitment to humanitarian efforts against GBV and Child abuse

Chiradzulu district 2023

Passionate Peer Educator engaging her peers

Balaka Youth, Her Future Her Choice 2024

Passionate Peer Educator engaging her peers

Balaka Youth, Her Future Her Choice 2024

Girl Champions back to school and geared for educational growth

Balaka, Phalula Secondary school, Education project 2024

Girl Champions back to school and geared for educational growth

Balaka, Phalula Secondary school, Education project 2024

CAVWOC Board Member and Women's movement representatives

16 Days of Activism event, Phalombe 2022

CAVWOC Board Member and Women's movement representatives

16 Days of Activism event, Phalombe 2022

Traditional Dance 'Chiwanja Cha Ayawo' performing for 16 Days of Activism

Art for Change, Chiradzulu, 2023

Traditional Dance 'Chiwanja Cha Ayawo' performing for 16 Days of Activism

Art for Change, Chiradzulu, 2023

Welcome To CAVWOC

Women and Children in Malawi face a lot of challenges in terms of inequalities, physical and sexual abuses, forced marriages and economic deprivation. Centre for Alternatives for Victimized Women and Children (CAVWOC) believes a society free from gender based violence and all forms of abuse against children and women is possible in Malawi. In order to achieve this, CAVWOC provides the following to communities it works in:

  • Capacity building of community structures and justice providers to reduce occurrences of Gender Based Violence (GBV).
  • Access to knowledge on and utilization of Sexual Reproductive Health services including HIV and AIDS.
  • Promotion of quality, safe and equitable education for girls.
  • Promotion of use of safe and portable water and uptake of standard sanitary and hygiene practices.

Recent Projects

Transforming Education: Transforming Lives Supporting Girls’ and Other Vulnerable Children’s Education across Southern Africa

This program aims to improve access to, retention in, and completion of transformative and equitable...
$183,000.00 /$183,000.00
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Reducing poverty and inequality in Malawi

he 'Reducing Poverty and Inequality in Malawi' project, funded by Oxfam Ireland, is currently underway...
$350,000.00 /$350,000.00
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Local Rights Programme

To empower women and girls to challenge laws, policies and practices that pre-disposes them to...
$4,000.00 /$4,000.00
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Girls Get Equal

The program is designed to contribute to the Government's efforts to end child and early/...
$20,000.00 /$20,000.00
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Recent News


Mobile Courts key to Speedy Trial- CAWVOC Speaking to Zodiak Online Thursday, Project Coordinator at Centre for Alternatives for Victimized Women...

Mobile Courts key to Speedy Trial- CAWVOC Speaking to Zodiak Online Thursday, Project Coordinator at Centre for Alternatives for Victimized Women...

Empowered Voices: Balaka Girls Transforming Futures Under 'Her Future Her...

Cavwoc Project Officer Rightwell Nyirenda revealed that over 8,500 girls and young women have been...

Empowered Voices: Balaka Girls Transforming Futures Under 'Her Future Her...

Cavwoc Project Officer Rightwell Nyirenda revealed that over 8,500 girls and young women have been...

What Others Say

Here's' what people have to say about us Including patrons, donors, the communities.

This is a local organization that "lives" in the community and has to do "more with less resources"

Marie-Rose Romain Murphy - -

We understand the sexual and reproductive health challenges and risks young girls face in early marriages. As such we must promote education among the youth for meaningful protection of their sexual reproduction rights.

Hon. Getrude Muthalika - -

Join your hand with us for a better life and beautiful future.